SUREedge® For Migration And DR To
Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Cloud provides customers with solutions across the full-stack IT infrastructure to accelerate your digital transformation and compete in the Digital Era on the Hybrid Cloud. Alibaba Cloud helps you smoothly evolve to a hybrid cloud. Alibaba Cloud hybrid cloud ensures your business continuity with capabilities, such as application elastic scaling, disaster recovery, data backup, and hot upgrade. It shortens your time to market so you can quickly meet the needs of your customers, enhance user experience, and accelerate your business success. It improves your operational efficiency and reduces costs by using centralized management for troubleshooting, system expansion, application deployment across multiple clouds, and DevOps functionalities. It helps you meet security and compliance requirements.

Hybrid disaster recovery (HDR) provides cloud + local dual backup and cloud disaster recovery for enterprise applications. The HDR service protects servers, files, and applications based on the hardware and software of the backup and disaster recovery server to ensure service continuity. In addition, the HDR service can be used for disaster recovery drills and data analysis.

SUREedge® is an Application Mobility technology for Migration and Disaster Recovery (DR) that is hardware agnostic and hypervisor agnostic. Sureline is the only company that fundamentally solves the problem of Any-to-Any Migration and DR. We bring enterprise Cloud strategy to life.

Sureline provides technology and solutions for:

Migration: Moving to Alibaba Cloud

SUREedge® Migrator captures application consistent images from any physical or virtual server. These images are then replicated using efficient deduplication, compression and encryption, to a local, remote site, and Cloud. It includes a migration planner to develop an end-to-end plan to automate the overall migration process. SUREedge® leverages its patented automated transformation technology to migrate from any source to any target, where dissimilar hardware or operating environments are used at the source and target.

DRaaS - HDR on Alibaba Cloud and On-prem

Protect your workloads and site on the cloud, between clouds or another data center. You can also opt to keep a backup copy locally onprem for fast local recovery in case of server level disasters.

SUREedge® Disaster Recovery (DR) delivers enterprise-class DR with WAN-optimized active-active replication, global deduplication, compression, and encryption. This allows IT managers to securely and quickly protect all workloads, applications, data, etc., replicating from any physical or virtual server to any target, Cloud or remote site. A central management console and agentless architecture lowers operational expenditures (OpEx) for an efficient and cost-effective DR solution and Failback. DR plans can be tested with no impact on the production environment to ensure confidence and speed of execution if a disaster should occur.

SUREedge® Methodology

SUREedge® removes the complexity associated with Migration and DR. It enables IT personnel to follow a planned, controlled operation of migration and DR.

SUREedge® allows you to protect ANY system image and recover on Alibaba Cloud, on-prem or Cloud. SUREedge®’s capability to do incremental capture and updates allows you to protect, test, and be ready with the least RTO required to recover from a Failover event. SUREedge®’s ultra-bandwidth friendly and secure dedupe replication also allows customers to build DR solutions with stringent RPO/RTO requirements cost effectively.

DR To Alibaba Hybrid Cloud With
SUREedge® DR

SUREedge® and Alibaba Cloud offer a flexible solution for customers to leverage local recovery during a server level disaster and failover to the cloud during a DR event DR. To facilitate local recovery, a backup copy of the data can be maintained locally at the on-prem source location.


Capture workloads running on any platform


Maintain a backup copy locally on the source side for local recovery


Replicate in a band-width friendly manner to Alibaba HDR site – dedupe


Transform – convert to appropriate VM format


Apply regular incremental updates


Orchestrate recovery process on Alibaba Cloud site

DR to Alibaba