Cloud Migration Strategies To Enable Digital Transformation

Oct 31, 2017 | Blog

Cloud computing has become an integral part of IT for today’s businesses. It can

  • Provide the efficiency organizations need to enhance productivity
  • Improve their products and services
  • Reduce their overhead costs

It’s been estimated that almost 90 percent of businesses are using some form of cloud computing solution, and spending on this technology has reached more than $44 billion.

Results from a recent IDC study show:

  • 58% of all organizations surveyed are embracing cloud, using public or private cloud for more than one or two small applications or workloads, up from 24% 14 months ago
  • The top drivers of cloud adoption are around improving resource utilization and staff productivity, all part of the digital transformation trend
  • Only five percent of respondents believe they have an “optimized” cloud strategy

While a cloud migration can present numerous challenges and raise security concerns, cloud computing also enables a company to reduce capital expenditures and operating costs while also benefiting from the dynamic scaling, high availability and effective resource allocation advantages cloud-based computing offers.

Cloud migrations can be costly if they’re not executed correctly. Migration projects can become arduous and without the proper use case analysis, performance testing, and security protocols, your customer satisfaction and business continuity is at risk. Zycom’s Cloud Migration Services leveraging Sureline’s SUREedge Migrator can help avoid costs and eliminate risks in migrating workloads to new cloud environments through automation and service based support.

To read further about cloud myths and the drivers of digital transformation download the complete article here.

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